How your body magnesium levels can affect sleeping patterns

Girl smiling whilst sleeping

Many people do not sleep properly whether it be having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep there is no doubt that breaking the cycle of insomnia can be difficult.
You may have tried to lower your caffeine intake and tried to change your sleeping routine in order to try and get a better nights rest.

Once adjusting your sleep routine and getting rid of caffeine in your diet most people then turn to supplements. Supplements have grown in popularity and one that has gained attention is magnesium that is now being used as a potential sleep aid.
The magnesium mineral has various effects in the body that may influence your processes that aid in promoting sleep.

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a common mineral and it is found in many foods. It is needed for human health and aids in over 600 cellular reactions within the body. Every organ and every cell need magnesium in order to function properly. It promotes bone health heart, brain and muscle functions. Magnesium has many benefits like relieving constipation, fighting inflammation and lowering blood pressure.

It can help your brain and body to relax

Magnesium helps the process by activating your parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for making you feel relaxed and calm. Several people now use magnesium oils and minerals in order to normalise the levels in their body to maintain their health and daily routine.
Magnesium is able to regulate the neurotransmitters which send the signal through your nervous system and brain. It helps to keep your melatonin levels regular which helps to guide your sleep and wake cycle.

Troubled sleep

The mineral connects to the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. GABA is a neurotransmitter that has the job of quieting down your nerve activity. It is the same neurotransmitter that is used in sleep drugs like Ambien. By aiding to quiet your system down the magnesium will help your body and mind prepare for sleep.

Low levels will interfere with your sleep

When you have not got enough magnesium in your body then you can suffer from insomnia and other sleep problems. If you are not getting enough magnesium them more than likely you will experience sleep problems. Low magnesium levels are connected to sleep problems and many people don’t realise it is treatable.

Magnesium aids to keep your sleep quality regular

Magnesium can help you to get to sleep and it also promotes a restful sleep to. There was a study conducted which was of older adults take 500mg of magnesium or placebo. The group that has the magnesium had better quality sleep. It was also found that the group taking the magnesium had higher levels of melatonin and renin which are the two hormones that aid in regulating your sleep.

Magnesium blocks the excitable molecules from connecting to the neurons which gives your nervous system a calmer state and a chance at rejuvenation.

If you are taking the correct amount of magnesium often then there are many benefits to be seen and many are due to offering better sleep. People turn to sleep tablets and machines rather than trying to see whether magnesium can help.
There is no harm in trying magnesium supplements or having a bath in the mineral a couple of times a week to see whether it could just benefit you. You won’t know until you try it. Besides, more than moderating your health benefits, it serves the purpose of giving you the calm and tranquillity that you yearn for after a rough day filled with a busy schedule. The difference can be conspicuously felt as you continue the rest of your day with a fresh body and a fresh mind.